I have a feeling I’m going to be putting out a new post every day until the 12th because I think I see a pattern going on. If I am not mistaken, Christofer Drew is going  to stream a  new single off The  Modern Racket on Alternative Press’s website everyday until it’s  release  on April 12.

The second track is titled, “Mr. Funny Man.” It’s all together simple. Just  Drew and his guitar.  There is nothing special about the song, which in a sea of auto-tunes and  synthesizers is what makes Drew’s new music so refreshing.

What makes this song so perfect it that it seems obvious that Drew has left behind most of his anger so often felt through his earlier songs. He manages sharp lyrics with little to no effort. Unlike the songs heard on Harmony and What is Love? where Drew was using his voice and more complex sounds to get his point across, I for see Drew is going to let his writing do most of the talking on his upcoming EP.