Today is yet another installment of “Christofer Drew amazes me.”

Social networking has led to a lot of undone homework on my part, but it also constantly updates me on new music. Facebook is the latest to do so.

I am tra-la-laing at work and my Facebook auto-updates my news feed to read: Never Shout Never- “Check out the first song from The Modern Racket EP called “Livin’ The Dream.” Dont forget to donate to Charity:Water via to get the EP on 4/12.” I listened and I am in love still. You can check out the song here.

The song is simple and free. It reminds me a lot of Harmony with very little computer aided music. Just Drew and his guitar. I cannot wait for the new EP.

The Modern Racket will be released on April 12 on the album’s website here.You get the album when you make a donation to Charity:Water through the website. You can also wait until April 19 and buy it from and digital media outlet like iTunes.

I am must say I understand Drew’s move away from the Never shout Never title. It can be hard to make new and evolving music when your 14-year-old fan girls want carbon copies of songs like “Trouble” and “Happy.” I have read interviews with Drew where he says  he is growing as a person and as an artist. He doesn’t want to let anyone down but he doesn’t want to be stuck doing the same thing forever. And most fans don’t take the time to think that Drew was 16 or 17 when he wrote his old songs. He was an immature artist and needs time to progress. I think he is doing just that and his hard-core fans, that like Drew for his music and talent, will stick around through what ever he decides to do.